Jaylen has often suggested that I forced him to commit. But the reality is I laid the truth in front of him at 17 years old and said you have to make the decision. He was the kid that only had 2 options. Jacksonville University in Jacksonville Florida or Mount Saint Mary's college in Emmitsburg Maryland. As talented as I knew he was the masses only felt like he could play in those conferences at that level. But my child had dreams of going to the University of Texas all his life and these two schools were a far cry from that dream. It can be an uphill battle when the reality does not match the dream. To your child that reality check may feel like you don't support their vision but as an adult you know it's just facing what's real. So the story goes like this. I sat him down one day in September of his senior year (before the 1st signing period) and said, "Son, here are your options. Jacksonville U or Mt. Saint Mary's. I have paid for high school and I'm not paying for college. If you want to play out this season then you can, but understand that is my hard and fast stance." What that looks like to a 17 year old was that I was "FORCING" him to make a decision. I went on to say "If you play out your season you are going to get what's left over in scholarships from whichever schools are available and may not have the option to choose between who is showing a vested interest in you now! That's the reality of it all. If at the end of this you still don't like your options and want to go to prep school or HAVE to go to community college because you will continue forward with an education (with or without the ball), I'm not paying!" Tough position to be in at 17, but I believe the earlier they face some realities the better adults they will be. His perspective was that I forced him. Mine was it's a crossroad and this is your life, you think you are a man now, so choose. Well he chose Jacksonville University and as the story unfolded...he ended up at St. Bonaventure University (topic for another blog....to be continued.....)
It's tough being a sports mom. It's tough laying out the truth when it's hard. It's tough when your children don't get what they expected. It's tough when you have to deliver the reality. BUT ITS REAL...
Did I force him to choose or did I help him through his crossroad? Share your opinion!