Sitting here with my Acey Ducey Brendan Adams to discuss the recruiting process after the fact. As it's been reported he has selected Rhode Island University as his next basketball stomping grounds and we just wanted to share what the process was like from the viewpoint of a 17 year old.
When the actual college visit process first started back in August 2017, what did you think it would be? How was it?
It was exciting but I was nervous about it at the same time because I didn't know what to expect. My first one was an unoffical at GMU which I was suprised by because it set the tone for going into the officials.
So, let's back this up a little bit. When this all started you had an early Kansas State offer end of sophmore going into the junior season, then other's showed up. Then you were offered by Standford and Wyoming in January of 2017. Mid-High School Season. I guess my question is going through the entire AAU season you gained some and you lost some. How did that make you feel?
I understand it's a business. It's not personal. It was something I had to get past. I had to start using it as motivation. All of the schools I lost, it didn't necessarily hurt me to the point where I was going to go chase them but the point was the teams didn't really see what I really am and my potential so my attitude became I'm going to prove yall wrong and it became fuel for the fire.
Ok, so for me as a parent, end all be all not just basketball, (and of course I want you to play this sport until the wheels fall off but eventually the wheels are going to fall off), I think it was pretty difficult for me to accept the Stanford loss because it was a big time ticket for a academic kid like you. I had to really internalize what it meant to have it and then not have it anymore. Was there any schools that made you feel that way despite the fact that it motivated you, was there any particular school where you were like dang I lost that one?
I would say immediately after Stanford and after Minnesota, those two bothered me for a bit and I was like awe man. But, I got past it and I still have what I have, and whatever that is at the end I'm going to make that work for me.
That's a real part of the process which people don't always realize. So I'm asking you was it really an hour, or a couple of days, or a week or a few?
I think at the time when I lost them, there was so much going on that I couldn't really sulk in it. I had to move past it. I lost Stanford in June and that's when I had to buckle down and work and Minnesota was lost while establishing my visits so I had some time to sit on that one but it wasn't so much getting down on myself just motivation.
So what you are saying is that understanding it's a business helped you process throught the losses. Alright, so after getting past that, let's talk about receiving other opportunities. Let's talk about summer basketball and EYBL. My question is once the new offers came into being, how did that make you feel?
I was thankful because 2 out of the 3 schools that were a part of my final decision came in the last 2 weeks of the AAU season. I just understood that I was blessed to have the opportunties.
Let's talk about why in your head you lost the opportunities that were already there. What are some of the things that you would like the next 16-17 year old to know about what it takes to maintain and gain other opportunites.
I would say just play. Don't worry about the stage you are playing on. Don't worry about the coaches on the sideline or the things that affect you negatively. Play the way you know how to play, not the way someone else thinks you should play or wants you to play. Do what you know how to do and in the end it will pay off. One of the other things I would add is be consistent and confident in your skillset. It's a lot that goes into it. Coaches/recruiters can see more than the ball going in the hole. They can see your confidence and they can see past a really bad game or a good game. You have to have a BODY OF WORK that's consistent.
So fast forward. You go on your first unofficial and then go to your official, what was it like?
After the first official I had to go home and process. It gave me a standard of what to expect going forward. It was very productive.
Talk about a couple of things you liked and didn't like about the process overall.
I liked being recruited. The coaches put their best foot forward. They study your game, show you film, show you how you fit, and they do that extensively. Spending time with the team. The negative is that it's tiring. There are no breaks because they are trying to cram everything into 48 hours. Trip after trip is tiring and there is a level of pressure that comes from the coaches.
So you went on 3 officials and one unofficial and had opportunities to go on 1 or 2 more officials. Tell me how hard it was to make a decision?
It was difficult in my own head. It was just so much to process through and having the real conversations with the family. It really came down to which opporutinity would give me the best chance at where I want to be after college but from all standpoints of my life.
Talk about what went into the decision.
It came down to contemplating my families and my own observations of the options. We talked about best opportuntites while there and afterwards, what coaches I felt I could have the best relationship with and academic opportunities. I appreciated how no one told me their decision, just gave me their 2 cents and then left the decision up to me. My mom dad brother and a close family friend were all a part of the process.
Once the announcement was made, how did you feel?
It felt like the weight of the world was lifted but that only lasted for like 2 days because then I had to get back into the gym and get back to work because at the end of the day I have to get ready for this high school season. My goals are lofty so I have to do everything I can to get PLAYER OF THE YEAR and I have to be ready to go right into college and make and impact. So the decision took some weight off my shoulders, but added some pressure too.
I want to make it clear what you just identified. That in life once one thing ends there is always something else in this game of ball and the game of life. You made a decision, that's done, but then you have to go prepare for the rest and then there are going to be more decisions and there are going to be more maturity and growth opportunitites. You are 7 months out from stepping on campus and being out on your own. How does that make you feel and what is the one thing you really look forward to?
I know you didn't ask me this but I'm going to start with this season. I'm excited because this is the beginning stage of me proving a lot of people wrong. I'm excited to play. I'm excited to get on campus and play but I know I have to work 10 times harder when I get there.
If you had to go back to 7 year old Brendan, who stood on the free thrown line during the State AAU Qualifiers, and shooshed the crowd by putting your finger over your lips after hitting the 1st one and then mean mugging the crowd after you hit the second one for the win, what would 17 year old you now tell 7 year old Brendan?
I would say keep you same confidence. Back then I was the man a no one could tell me I wasn't. There will be a lot of people that are going to shake your confidence but just keep that confidence througout your years.
One of the things I would like to stress as a parent is that there will be ups and downs. There will be inconsistancies in play by your child. Coaches will come and go. Just have to find a way to keep your child committed and focused throughout the process. Some things are just blessings in disguise.