I read Sports illustrated, I read Men's Journal, Men's Health, Runners magazines even AARP.. You name it. I read it. Why? Because I'm always looking for an edge to share with my boys. A quick nutritional trick, a mans point of view on challenges, a football players perspective on pain, a legendary basketball players defensive mechanisms to get past the drugs, the drinking, the women, or whatever vice can overtake an athlete.
Having the advantage of being a sports mom, I have access to numerous resources to keep my boys motivated. I've also learned that after awhile your son will hear you but stop listening to you (mom or dad) and that's when you have to get creative. You would be surprised what you can learn from an aging athlete or even a performing artist. It's all about competitive spirit that gives you the advantage at the end of the day.
The car ride to the bus stop provides opportunities to motivate your young athlete for the day. If that doesnt work for you then whatever small space of time you can grab, use it. We happen to like speaker Eric Thomas but there are plenty of people out there. Just search motivational speakers and sports. There's a link below that you can use to start your journey with your child.
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